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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Review: Fiber One Brownies

Background: I've been seeing ads for the 90 calorie Fiber One Brownies. Fiber One has really been on the scene in the past few years with cereal, granola bars, frozen muffins and muffins mix. These brownies tout 20% of your daily fiber and only 90 calories.

Type:  Chocolate Fudge or Chocolate Peanut Butter

Taste: Well you are definitely not going to confuse these for real brownies. That said, they are not bad considering they are only 90 calories. They do have chocolate chips baked in which are a nice treat, but the commercial and the packaging definitely make them seem like you might forget it is a real brownie- not so. While they aren't as bad as some pre-packaged foods, they still have that sort of taste of is any prepackaged food.

Pros: 90 calories and a nice morning or mid-afternoon treat
Cons: Smaller than I expected

For a more detailed review check out "The impulsive Buy"

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